What is Roof Washing?
Have you ever noticed the ugly black streaks on a shingle roof? Or maybe the metal roof that has turned a dingy black color? Well, the cause of that is a bacteria called Gloeocapsa Magma, which can be blown in the wind and spread from roof to roof. The effects of this bacteria on a roof can wreak havoc on your wallet. Shingles are specifically designed and colored so that they reflect the suns UV rays rather than absorb them.
Unfortunately, when Gloeocapsa Magma invades a roof, it slowly turns black, and rain causes the black bacteria to streak. The longer the bacteria remain on the roof the thicker it will grow, rendering your shingles ineffective against the suns UV rays. This ultimately causes your home to heat quicker and costs a lot more to keep cool.
In north Texas we are familiar with the constant battle to keep our homes cool during a heat wave. At North Texas Soft Wash, we are trained and experienced in removing these bacteria safely and effectively from your roof. We apply an algaecide at low pressure to the roof with added surfactant to ensure it sticks and kills this pesky growth. This allows your roof to do its job and give your A/C and wallet a break.
This is the recommended method of cleaning according to the American Roofing Manufacturers Association. We are so confident in our ability to safely wash your roof we offer an 18-month warranty when the entire roof is cleaned by us. This means within a year and a half we guarantee no growth will come back or we will treat it again for FREE.
If you have any further questions about our roof washing process or want to schedule your free estimate give us a call today!